Here I am telling Amy how good the cake was that she made as I lick all the icing off my fingers :)
Saturday we had the first Wolfe family reunion! I have lots of cousins on my Mom's side of the family that I grew up with, but there's tons more family that most of us have never met. It was cool to meet everyone in the family!
This is some of my Mom's brothers and sisters, my 1st cousins (our spouses) and our kids! This isn't the entire bunch though, there's a ton more! I can't believe we're all grown feels like yesterday that we were running around our grandparents house eating sugar bread. Whenever we left their house, our Pop-Pop and Grammy use to make us bread with butter and sugar on top. Now that I have a kid of my own I just realized why they gave us the sugar on the way out the door :) We forgot our camera and this was the only picture I could manage to get my hands on.

On Sunday we took a day trip to Sea Isle with some friends. Karen and Ben have a beach house there (a savior when it came to nap time!) and invited us down to hang out. We enjoyed their last day at the beach with them before their baby is born (she's due on the 26th!)! It was Tyler's first trip to the Jersey shore (or any shore for that matter)! He had fun and overall it was a success!
We dug holes in the sand, traipsed over everyone's blankets getting sand on them (you'd swear there's targets on them the way his eyes light up when he heads for other people's blankets), we looked for seashells, played with seaweed, played in the lifeguard boat, tried to play with everyone else's beach toys (even though we had the same ones), dipped toes in the ocean, removed sand/sunscreen from our toddlers eyes and made friends with "The Situation" and his crew and scored an ice pop off them. In between all that Dave and I got to take turns going in the ocean - the water was so nice! It was a great, relaxing day!
Best family picture we could get! In all fairness, we told him to stick his tongue out :)

The Situation is in the bottom right hand corner :)

The Situation is in the bottom right hand corner :)
This is my beach babe (after a refrigerated aloe application) and applying SPF 50 all day long...unless Tyler inherited one of his grandfather's skin tones it doesn't look like he has much hope when it comes to the tanning department! This picture just doesn't do it justice :)
1 comment:
First off, SO happy you got a pic of "the situation"- freaking hilarious! Second, what is it with kids stealing other kids beach toys? Luke did the same thing when we were at the beach- i guess another kids toys are always cooler than yours, right??:) Glad you had a great b-day!
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