News this month is a growing vocabulary! It's amazing to see how many words Tyler knows and says and to see how much he's actually taking in. He's like a sponge. And then like a parrot when he repeats everything we say (we totally have to watch what we say!) The other day, he was at the bottom of the stairs yelling "Beth!" because that's what Dave was doing about 5 minutes before. I didn't respond for fear that I'll be that person whose kid calls them by their first name :)
Here's a few other fun things the dude is doing...
- When you ask him to count he says "..., 2, 3" He never says 1 and rumor has it that he doesn't say it because he doesn't like having 1 of something...cookies, toys or whatever it may be.
- Some mornings we wake up to "Heeeelllo" or "Hey you" coming thru the monitor.
- Stacking big legos is becoming really fun and he can stack about 4 together before he makes them crash. I was so excited for him to start playing with legos until I had to clean all 1,000 off them off the floor last night.
- When he sees our neighbor Steve or Steve's truck coming down the road he starts yelling "Steve!". Or we hear "Ry-Ry!" when Uncle Ryan is driving down the street. Sometimes he spots the cars before we do!
- Our neighbor coined Tyler as the mayor of our street because he's always stopping by everyone's yards to hang out and see what's happening!
My sister and I got my Mom tickets to see Keith Urban for Mother's Day and we went on Friday night! It was a great girls night out and Dave was away for work last week so Uncle Kevin got to watch all of the kids. Thanks Kevin! We went out to dinner and then to the concert and it was an awesome concert and it was a fun night out!

On Sunday we went to visit my visit my friend Shannon and Tyler got to play with their new dog Arthur. On their way to becoming best friends :)
He was running thru the sprinkler at their house and when his clothes were drying he decided to dress in Rafael's shoes and hat!
Think it might be time for a haircut??