They must have gone down this slide 30 times each. Tyler was the youngest kid there, but just followed right along while I sat back with the other Moms and watched the kids play. I was having another I can't believe how fast he's growing up moment :)
Mom...I'm sorry for eating the bottom off my ice cream cones when I was's coming back to bite me in the butt :)
Swimming at Grammy and Pops :)

Ready to ride!

On an ending note, I think Tyler has his first official girlfriend, although he hasn't told us about the "relationship" yet. I walked in to school to pick him up today and his little friend Rae peeked her head out of her room and yelled to me "Hi Tyler's Mom, where's my boyfriend?" :)
Love the hat! Bucket hats are the best!!!
Ohmygosh! I looked at that last picture and I can NOT believe how much he looks like Dave! Seriously, his mini-me- not sure if it is the helmet or what??:) Such a big boy and a girlfriend- uh oh! Watch out, ladies!
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