Over the last month he's really starting "talking" more and says mama, dada, baba and uh-oh and does a great bark to talk with the dog next door :) He has a few other words he uses a lot like dat, dah and ah-ah (still trying to figure out what those mean) and sometimes we think he says Hi and hat, but we're not sure about those yet. It's getting a little easier because he has started to point at what he wants and he's beginning to understand more stuff we say to him.
He still loves his little blankie and goes to bed with it every night and it's always hanging out of his mouth when we check on him. Only problem is the thing smells so bad. I swear I wash it every other night, but it doesn't help. Last week I tried to buy a replacement and he give us this "you must be kidding me that you think I'm going to fall for this" look. So, back to old blankie and mommy gagging when she smells it.
He's getting really funny and makes us laugh all the time. The other day when friends were over I was picking him up and his foot got caught in my shirt and pulled the front of my shirt down. I guess he liked our reaction because for the next 5 minutes he would walk away and come back to me and pull the front of my shirt down and laugh. I had to remind him that Mommy doesn't need to be giving free shows to everyone :)
Here's some pictures...
Will they still say No if it's actually my toy touching the tree?
Whoa people...what's happening...
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