We got to have our first Wigilia as a family and break oplatki with him on Christmas Eve. Pretty cool to start showing him our traditions :)
Santa was almost down a cookie and Rudolph almost didn't have a carrot - caught in the act :)
Checking out all the presents. He even feasted on some wrapping paper, which we didn't know he was doing and had a green mouth :)
Playing with his favorite new toy.
The aftermath...complete with Cheerios thrown all over the floor.
Wearing new Elmo papucies (that's what I've always called my slippers...it's the polish word for them)
Testing out the new Quad
Hanging out...
He loves the deer at Aunt Kris and Uncle Andy's house so she took it off the wall so Tyler could pet him. We all had about 10 turns lifting him up to touch the deer - he was one happy dude! I'm hoping Tyler is a hunter one day so I can always get deer jerky :)
Teaching about the finer things in life...like how to eat Reddi Wip from the can :)
We didn't have a white Christmas, but we had a white day after Christmas! Getting ready to go in the snow.
Hating every part of getting ready to go in the snow. I had to snap a picture :)
Once we finally got outside things were better and we got in some rides around the house and down the hill on the sled.