Happy Thanksgiving (a few days late)! Over the past few days we've done lots of turkey eating, hanging out and enjoying our days off. For thanksgiving it snowed a little and we had a dusting on the ground, which made it feel like the holidays have arrived - yippee! We are very thankful for our wonderful family, great friends and for our precious little guy who over the past week has turned in to a walking machine! Tyler's first Thanksgiving meal was a hit and he housed anything and everything that we put in front of him. This kid can eat, but we're still not sure where he puts it all!
Saving some ravioli for later. There's always food somewhere on Tyler's face, but this ravioli was stuck on his forehead the entire time he ate dinner :)

Playing some Dance Dance Revolution

Alex proudly showing the turkey napkin holders they made :)

Giving Uncle Dave has a workout before dinner

Our feast!

We put one of these on the xmas list he was loving the little car - just not the pink one :)

Already loving ice pops!

After a bite of ice pop he would walk over to his other Aunt and get a bite of cookie. He must have done 10 cookie/ice pop laps it was hysterical!
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