He likes to empty the dish towel drawer daily and bang on pots and tupperware with my kitchen utensils - who needs the other 10,000 toys we have scattered around the house?! One more tooth has appeared and it's the one next to the top front tooth, but he doesn't have his top front teeth yet so it looks pretty funny. We had his checkup the other day and he's weighing in at 19lbs 10oz and 28 inches. This puts him at 36th percentile for weight and the 67th percentile for height...to be exact :) He's been pretty good with his shots in the past, but this time was a little different. He had a 20 minute afternoon nap and was really tired for the appt. so when he got his shots he did the open mouth as wide as you can, face turn bright red, hold your breath and make it look like your screaming, but nothing is coming out cry! This is the first time we've seen him do this and I'm hoping not to see it again for a long long time!
Today Tyler also got a super cool present from his Uncle Ryan. Ryan is a ski rep and was at a ski shop tonight with some professional skiers and this is what he brought home for Tyler. An autographed poster from Seth Morrison! It's getting framed for his bedroom - thanks Ryan! I'm starting to accept the fact and mentally prepare myself for when he's skiing off cliffs with Dad and the crew when he's older. There's already talks of building ramps and putting up rails in the backyard and how they'll get him on skis pretty soon to go down the little hill...right...he can't even walk yet!
Not one to go around the obstacle he just goes over it. This looks worse than it was was there were no injuries
Spaghetti face
ahh. thats so cool! His first autographed poster! I wonder if Tyler will be in the Olympics... no pressure.
Ryan is SO jealous that Tyler has that sweet poster:) I have a feeling Luke is going to be a part of that crazy crew you are talking about- oye!
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