The fire company visited Tyler's school the other day and apparently he wasn't too excited about the visit. His teachers said he let them know he wasn't enjoying it. He's usually in to anything like fire trucks (or anything loud) so it surprised us, but it was almost nap time and he was tired - you can't blame the kid! And yes, our child has some healthy lungs despite the pictures you all see on here where he's always smiling. Although he rarely uses them for crying I'm glad he occasionally lets us know the lungs are in good shape. We're often told by parents that the good behavior, no crying, no fuss baby is a first child thing and results are not typical when it comes to the 2nd child they sometimes bring a different adventure :)
He still came home with his fireman's hat though and the older he gets the less cooperation we have when trying to pose for pictures especially when a hat is involved. This is the best we could get of our little Flourtown fireman!

It's starting to get fun around here in the food department. Tyler has been more than willing to sample new things from our dinner plates this past week.
The biggest hit of the week was guacamole and mashed potatoes and gravy! He loved both and would bang on the table for more! This kid can put food away (apple doesn't fall far from both trees in this case for sure). I might need a second job to keep up his appetite!
Just can't get enough cheese, he'd eat the entire bag if we let him. I even found a piece of shredded cheese in his belly button on this particular night.

Dad's birthday and sampling some ice cream cake. It sure is cold, but he loves if we expected him to not to :)