Ahhhh...the Bloomsburg fair! Another sign that Fall is here! We spent the entire day at the fair on Saturday and had a great day with some not so Fall like weather - it was hot! We ate a lot of good food, visited with the cows, pigs and sheep and spent some time playing in the front yard of the historic house exhibit. At one point we had a half naked baby as part of the exhibit when Tyler crawled away as I was changing his diaper - hopefully this roll, squirm, crawl away stuff during diaper changing is just a phase! It's like he wants to yell "We're going streaking" as he does it he's so happy and proud as he runs away from us :) While we were playing he was standing without holding on to anything and he took a step! Yep, just one, but life may start to get a lot more interesting pretty soon! :)
Riding the worm ride

Enjoying a bite of my knee

Having fun with Uncle Kevin

Grammy and Aunt Donna

Not cooperating during my pumpkin photo shoot!
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