Our unrealistic world started almost 3 weeks ago when my Mom came down to watch Tyler for the week b/c we're switching day cares and had 2 weeks off in between. She had dinner on the table every night, laundry was done, beds were made and the house was cleaned. Then came the long labor day weekend and after that Dave and I jetted off to Colorado to go to our friends wedding while Dave's parents watched Tyler for the week. Everything was perfect - the bride and groom were happy and beautiful, wonderful weather, gorgeous setting and we had an awesome time with friends. We rented a cabin in the middle of the mountains, drank mimosas in the hot tub overlooking the Rockies, laughed, danced, drank more and laughed some more. Good times!
By time Saturday came we were ready to see the big guy and it made it worse b/c he got sick and Dave's parents had to take him to urgent care. Not that he wasn't in good hands, but of course I'm going to worry about him no matter what! We got home Sunday and he ended up having a sinus infection and fever (that lasted for days) and then developed an ear infection...back to the doctor on Tuesday...a little stronger antibiotic and upping the Tylenol dosage and he's on the road to recovery. Dave and I were alternating taking days off of work and his Mom ended up coming down to watch Tyler so we could both go to work. She came armed with dinner for the next 2 nights asking what we needed done around the house and again we had a clean house with beds made and dinner on the table - Dave and I have the BEST parents ever! Thanks guys! Tyler is finally feeling better other than a little stuffy nose and and we're so happy b/c it was terrible watching him be sick. I'm positive this won't be the last time we go through this, but hopefully you get a little more use to it as time goes on. :(
Ashley and her Dad :)

You know he's feeling better when the tupperware drawer looks like it threw up

There's something about the dishwasher that Tyler loves and he makes a B line for it every time you open it and then he yells at you when you close it