Sunday, March 20, 2016

Busy month

We'll start off with the fact that we have a 4 year old! He's wild and crazy, spunky, lovable, squeezable...he's my baby. He's a little peanut and amazes me all the time with the things he does. He rides bikes with Tyler and friends Tyler's age and leads the older kids in the bike trick's hysterical. He weighing in at 35 pounds which puts him around the 50 percentile and he's 40 inches which is around the 40th percentile. He still is a champion sleeper and still a picky eater, but he eats a lot of the food he likes so that's good.

He asked for a party at BounceU so he had all of his friends at a bounce party to celebrate his day. Alex and Sydney stayed the weekend with us and he had a great time celebrating all weekend long.

Onto some randoms...

Tyler and Barclay...their friendship lives on.

Tyler had strep throat so was off school for a few days. Grammy came down to watch him and took Zac home with her so he wouldn't get sick for his surgery. Dave went to Colorado with Kyle so it was just the dude and I. We went to Shake shack and to see Zootopia...he's a great date!

Two teeth down!

He's a climber and if American Ninja Warrior is still on when he gets older there's a chance you'll see him on the show just sayin.

Dr. Corcoron is super sweet! Tyler got a rash and they wanted to check him out to make sure it wasn't al allergy to his antibiotic. My coworker knows Dr. Corcoron from years ago and wanted me to tell her hi so she made me take a selfie with her. She's awesome! And turns out it was just poison ivy...who would have thought that in March!?!?

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