Other than my aging, we've been enjoying fall around here. We've fit in some bike rides in the Wiss, playing outside, weekends spent with cousins, Halloween, pumpkin carving and doing the ropes course at the zoo. Tyler's second soccer season has officially ended and he really, really liked it this year. He plays really well and just knows what to do somehow. This is coming from a non-soccer player myself but it must be in his genes form Dad because he rocked it out there this year.
Tyler brought home this picture the other day. Each kid colors a picture then you can order tons of different things with the picture they drew on it. I always ask Tyler about the drawings he brings home and this was the conversation about this one in particular.
Me: "Tyler, tell me about this cool picture."
Tyler: "Mom, it's really not cool at all. It's two hands but one of the hands looks like it has barf on it. I didn't know the water color was going to do that. It's really ugly."
The picture is really cute and you better bet I ordered a barf coffee mug that I will absolutely cherish forever!