We are settled in to the school routine and I feel like things are slowing down a bit in a good way. Fall is absolutely one of my favorite times of year. The weather is perfect, it gets darker earlier and we settle down earlier than in the Summer when we're running around outside until 10pm. This is why I love seasons, each one lets us tackle life a little differently.
School is going well for Tyler. He is starting to read!?!? It's crazy that after 2 months he's coming home with his book in a bag and is reading it. Now, a lot of it is memorization (and the kid has a crazy memory) and reading based on the pictures in the book, but he's starting to recognize words and has 2 or 3 new words a week to learn. And we have our fist official school picture!
Zac is learning a ton in his new class too! He's spelling his name, working on recognizing numbers and letters and I can already see he's come a long way since September when he changed classes. Zac got his 3rd goozer since June in the same spot and I'm pretty sure it might not go down until high school. The day after Zac fell and hit his head, I got a call from the school nurse that Tyler fell on the playground and hit his head. He also had a goozer on his forehead. Life with boys I guess.
We went to the Monster Truck show earlier this month and of course they loved it. Best thing ever watching the trucks and they're really in to it. It's great. We also saw two little old ladies who were the biggest Grave Digger fans EVER. I snapped a pic below where the one was she was cheering like a nut for the monster trucks it was hysterical. Lots of heart I tell ya!
Dave turned 36 this month and we celebrated with Gram and Pop and ate filet. His Mom knows him well :)
We also got new a new kitchen and foyer floor last week and I love it. I was so sick of looking at the old floor which always looked dirty. I am so happy with it!
Tyler has a community scavenger hunt and he wanted a picture with the chef at Mr. P's pizza. We have the best community we really do. We went to pick up food and they had him come in to the kitchen and they took a picture with him. There's really good people around here!
Kyle had a sleepover with us the other night and they slept in a fort in the living room. It's awesome to have your best buddy a few houses up the street and last night Tyler slept at Kyle's house! This was huge, Dave and I weren't sure when he would ever sleep away from home without us, but off he went wimpering that he was going to miss us but insisted he wanted to sleep over. I kept telling him he didn't have to and he could sleep there another night, but he wanted to go. Funny thing is I don't even know how it was set up. The boys must have set it up because all of a sudden Tyler was in his room packing underwear haha and when I asked where he was going he said to sleep at Kyle's so we went with it! I think I woke up every hour checking to see if I had a text or call but he didn't come home til 10:30 this morning. Success! This is a big milestone in our books!
Last week Dave and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. We scheduled a babysitter and planned to go to dinner on Tuesday night only to get a call Tuesday mid-day that we had to pick Tyler up because he had a fever. So, we canceled dinner plans and ate filet at home and celebrated with all of us. They next day Zac had a field trip to the farm so we lugged Tyler along with us since he was still sick. We all had a really good day at the farm and the weather was gorgeous! Tyler didn't go back to school until Friday and that pesky fever snuck up on us again tonight out of nowhere! Hoping it's gone in the morning :(
Tonight we hit up the corn maze at a museum that's close to our house. Jackson and Tyler immediately noticed the statue with boobs when we pulled in the parking lot and they'd play in the corn maze then every once in a while go over and check out the boobs. Apples didn't fall far from their Dads with these two.
And lastly, somewhere scattered in the pictures below is how I was going to walk out of the house one morning this week. You know your mornings are crazy when you don't even realize you have on two completely mismatched shoes.