So, here it goes. Here's what the end of summer had in store for us...
We got the boys a new dirt bike. Tyler is really great at riding it and he got some gear to wear from the friend we bought the bike from, he's loving it. Zac has started riding the quad on his own. For 3 years old he's a really good driver and very responsible when he's on it.
Bike jumps were also a big hit this summer and all the neighborhood kids dig the jump.
The boys were obsessed with wanting to golf this summer. Dave and I don't golf but we managed to get them to the driving range a few times and they have a blast.
We hot another milestone at the end of summer when all four of use went rock climbing and everyone got to climb! Zac got on the rocks for the first time and it was awesome. More family climbing trips to come for sure!
We finished off the unofficial end of summer with the St. Mary's church picnic. We've been on vacation the weekend of the picnic the past few years but this year we vacationed earlier so we were able to go. Nothing takes my back to my childhood more than the picnic with polka music, homemade food and old friends. Can't beat it! Mocanaqua rocks :)
We did the Wilkes-Barre triathlon where I finished 3rd in my age group, I moved up to the 35-39 group those ladies are fierce and Dave took home first place for the Clydesdale division (over 200 lbs.). Not too shabby for our minimal training!
We hit up Ringing Rocks State Park which is a nearby state park that is a boulder field and you hit the rocks with a hammer and they ring. It's crazy and the kids loved it. We hung out with friends, built teepees and watched 3 grown men try to knock over a tree. I can't even take the'll know which one it is below I'm sure.
Katie and I held the block part again this year and it was a success! About 60 or so adults and 30 kids came. The fire truck came and squirted the kids with the hose, we had the Eagles/Cowboys game on TV in our driveway and everyone hung out it was a great day. The kids were in heaven! We have such an awesome block!
This past weekend, Amy and I went to the Penn State game and had a great time as always. And my Mom and I finished the weekend off by going to the Bloomsburg fair with the kids. I got to stop by the Bloomsburg campus and I haven't been there in years. Good stuff!
That house is the sorority house I lived in and I think it's actually going to fall over pretty soon.
A few video notes. When your kid asks to get out of the car and race you home, you let him and video it. And when your kid is half asleep but is still singing Eye Of the Tiger you video it to show him at his wedding.
And the random last picture. That's tonight when the boys decided they would take the work bench in to the bathroom so they could play while in the tub. It might end up being a long Winter ;)