Slip-n-slides, sleepovers, doggie buddies, introduction to Scooby-doo and Kiss movie (who would've thought!?), spotting a "been there whooped ass" shirt (where do I get me one of them?), Knoebels fun with old college roomies, Tyler's excitement to stand and get splashed by the Sploosh at Knoebels, sleeping in, playing at Grammy and Pops houses, dirt bikes, quads, meditating (he must have need to clear his mind?), beach trips, puppet shows at the library, first Thursday beer tasting and taco truck at Whole Foods with my usual date, Amy :), getting some work done outside in the beautiful weather, brothers playing, hitting the pool and hopping in on games of stick ball (it kills me that Zac follows Tyler around on the field my heart can't take it) and the older boys that let Tyler hop in and play give me a glimpse that there's still parents teaching their kids the right things. Doesn't hurt that he holds in own on the field tough ;), Phish show, Zac Brown Band with friends this weekend and Grammy's watching the boys so Dave and I can get out and have some fun, dinner with friends and the most recent purchase of a dirt bike that's all their own, and lastly my recent discovery after 2 years that I have emojis on my phone (I've been a cool kid all along and didn't even know!)
Tyler's last day of daycare is next week. I wrote the last daycare check for him last week. $600 more in our pockets every month even after we pay after care at school woohoo! We still have vacation for a week then one more week to enjoy before school starts. Good things are happening and we'll enjoy every last bit of summer we can!