Somehow my baby is 3! Zac is full of life. He's sweet, cuddly and is really funny. He prefers to be naked whenever he can and is a pretty low key kid. He's got tons of energy and is a great match for his brothers energy. Thankfully, Zac is coordinated because he follows Tyler around and they launch off things, roll, sprint and act like American Ninja warriors whenever they get a chance. 90% of the time he's just a chilled out go with the flow kid. Then there's the other 10% that is so stubborn that he will fight you for an hour over something like I want Mommy to put my shoes on and not be expected at his age though I guess.
He's a picky eater, but really only when it comes to meat. I think he might be a vegetarian. He only eats hot dogs, chicken nuggets and chicken fries of which the latter two are the same thing in different shapes so can I even count it as something else??? The thing is he loves fruits and veggies. He asks for peas. What kid does that? He eats a lot of other things though cheese, yogurt, loves milk and loves edamame. Between both boys we go through a lot of edamame in this house.
He just starting getting in to TV. His favorite shows right now are Team Umizoomi, Paw Patrol and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He can count to 20, knows his colors and most shapes. His teacher says he's a really good boy at school, he's a great helper and listener and she's never seen the 10% bear come out. The other day though, they had a green eggs and ham breakfast and she wanted him to at least try the food. He refused to try it and she told him he had to try a bite before he got up. She said he responded with "I'm going to pee my pants" then proceeded to pee his pants. So there you have it stubbornness at it's finest. That trait will come in handy later in life I know it will! He never has accidents and doesn't even pee the bed at night so it was a deliberate I'm not eating it move :)
He's funny though, he's not a kid that you can ask him something on command and say count to 20 or sing a song. He won't do it. He'll say "poop" which is also one of his favorite words at the moment. He's weighing in at 30 lbs (33%) and a is little over 37 in (44%).
He loves to play with balls - bounce them, throw them, dribble them it's his favorite toy. When we got to the toy store and he can pick out anything he wants it's always one of those 1.99 balls in the big bin. Or a ball of some sort. He can dribble like no other and might be my key to early retirement if he keeps it up. It's funny when people see him dribble them always comment that they can't believe how good he is. Once all this snow melts I'll get a video of him in action.
For his birthday, he asked for a fire truck and bulldozer so that's what he got. He also got a fireman dress up outfit and a 3 foot tall little people car race track. Dave was traveling and didn't get home until about 8pm on Zac's actual birthday so we had a late birthday party for him. The Dauksis family came over for some pizza and cookie cake after work and Aunt Amy came to stay for the weekend. When Dave got him we had another cake, opened presents and had a late night dance party to celebrate being 3.
I'm the luckiest Mama in town to have this dude and he truly makes my heart melt. ♥
Due to Zac's general dislike of pictures (he's getting better!) this is all I could get so it's going to be a lot of the same type of picture!