Summer lovin... slip-n-slides, zoo field trips, beach trips, school pictures, pink caddies handed down from cousins, worms, frogs, lighting bugs, Knoebels, monkey bar swingin, pink cars turned orange, water balloon fights with buddies, lawn mowing watching and bunnies...don't forget the bunnies!
Honestly, summer has been great so far. We've just been hanging out and not having too much on our summer itinerary other than enjoying. Lots of bike riding, ice cream and impromptu beers with neighbors. I love our neighborhood. Sometimes you end up in someone's yard with a beer in hand while the kids run around past their bedtime. And sometimes the festivities commence in your yard where kids gather to play. But isn't that what summer is all about??
Tyler is now asking to ride off the trails in the Wissahickon and goes down dirt trails. He wants to go off the beaten path. A boy after his Mama and Dad's heart. We were looping the neighborhood the other day and he jumped a curb and fell pretty hard because he didn't make a turn all the way. He got up, looked at us (Dave and I both not knowing what his reaction would be) and he said "Guys, that was a tough one!" and got back on his bike. He made his first official ride on his bike to Espositos with us. He had one run in with a garbage can though. Picture it...Dave riding first, then Tyler, then Zac and I behind him. Tyler slams in to someone's garbage can, starts yelling to Dave "Wait....I hit someone's garbage cans!" while I'm behind him laughing so hard I again could pee my pants, then he nonchalantly gets back on his bike and keeps going. The kid kills me.
Have I ever mentioned how Zac is crazy good at basketball? I try to get video of him, but he's not a prompt to do something type of kid. One day I'll capture it but for now here's a peek from about 2 months ago. The kids got game!
The monkey bar man!
The car that has made our 2 year old the happiest kid on the planet! Thank you to Aunt Jill and Uncle Kevin for letting us have this pink caddy (now turned orange!) and for my nieces to give this up. zac is a crazy driver, he's run in to the house, run over my flower beds numerous times and will run over anything in his way, but the belly laugh you hear is contagious and my Mom and I may have almost peed our pants laughing at him drive this car! He's getting better though and for a 2 year old he's got a good command of his caddy, so we let him turn the music up (because yeah it has a radio) and let the kid go!