So it's been almost 2 weeks since the little guy was born and I'll say that getting settled hasn't been as bad as I thought it would...although my thoughts might change when Dave goes back to work. One morning last week Dave had to go in to work and other than the house looking like a hurricane came through we managed to survive :)Part of this is due to how well Tyler has adjusted to Zac being home and part of our family. Tyler is doing so awesome and better than we could have imagined! He's really great with him and wants to hold and hug and kiss him a lot. Otherwise he doesn't really pay too much attention to him until Zac starts crying and then he'll run over and start singing to him (we hear a lot of ABC's around here) and will give him something like a blanket or a toy. Hopefully this continues! Only difference with Tyler is that he's started a new thing where he always takes his clothes off so he pretty much just runs around here in his diaper all day :)

Zac is doing really great too! He was back at his birth weight at his appt. last Friday and the doc said he's doing fantastic! He eats like a little piggy and has been treating us fairly well at night and he wakes up to eat every 2.5-3 hours and then goes back to bed. We've been peed on a number of times, but he's no where near the getting peed on episodes we had with Tyler. Now we have a few tricks up our sleeves to control it, although my jewelry box got a nice washing the other night at about 3am. Dave and I both agree that bringing home child #2 is so much less stressful and things just seem to flow this time making everything seem a little easier. We do tend to call Zac Tyler a lot, but we're getting better. :)
Our freezer has been stick piled with food thanks to our family and neighbors and we've had lots of visitors so far and lots more to come! Everyone has been so generous to us with offering help, making food or bringing gifts by for the boys. We're so grateful for such great people in our lives! Now on to the pictures of Zac meeting his family :)
Aunt Jill





Gram and Pop

Aunt Amy

Four generations

All the boys watching Batman

Never too young to be part of story time before bed :)

Nap time with Dad

First trip to the park! Yesterday was an open you windows and let the fresh air in kind of it's chilly, but Spring is on it's way for sure!

And Tyler has been really in to taking pictures these days and of course likes to take them with our good camera instead of the small cheaper's some of his recent work that I found on the camera!