Then, on Wednesday morning Tyler woke up and his one eye was completely he had a nice boxing match with something in his crib that night! We didn't want to send him to day care with his shiner since we didn't know what it was so Grammy 911 (Dave's Mom this time) responded and watched him for us on Thursday. We have no clue what it is/was, but by this morning it was almost gone.
This morning Dave's Mom and I took Tyler to CHOP for his ENT appointment and we're very thankful we're just going there for something minor. Puts things in to perspective when you see that this hospital is practically home for some kids. It took the doctor all of 20 seconds to tell us he needs to get tubes and he'll be getting them on March 28th. We don't think the fluid is every really clearing up in his ears. They also did a hearing test and he isn't hearing 100% on 2 of the frequencies, but I guess that's pretty normal for a kid with ear infections. He can hear us perfectly when we talk to him and they said it hasn't affected his speech so we're very happy about that. To tell to you the truth I could barely hear some of the noises she was playing. I might need my hearing tested also :) When they tested his hearing behind the fluid it was great so everything should be better when they test him after the tubes.
The doctor confirmed that he could have inherited his ear anatomy from me and I had tons of ear infections when I was little. This means the only things we have really ever gone to the doctor for, his ears and hemangioma, well...he inherited both from yours truly. Sorry buddy :( Other than that I'm also taking credit for your stellar good looks ;)
Add in two molars working their way on down and you would think he would be a mess, but nope...he's still a happy kid. You wouldn't know anything much was going on - he's one tough cookie! Here we are having a little fun :)
The first official fort in our house built by Dad, Alex, Sydney and Tyler!
The newest toy - a vacuum. Every time I vacuum he insists on pushing it with me. He now has his own. Something must have already broke on the Dirt Devil because he spent some time fixing it
I think he might have a thing for Diana Ross. She did have a lot of cleavage showing...maybe that's what he was looking at!
We got some of our baby stuff out for a friends sister who was visiting with her son and Tyler made sure everything still worked for Bernie.