We're finally making some progress on our new house. They have almost all of the new windows in and by the end of the week they should be ready to do stucco and siding! We don't even have doors at the moment. Our back door was ripped out by accident and we're still waiting for that one to come in and our front door was ripped out only to discover they delivered the wrong one...so we have plywood covering up both doors - looks fabulous! We can't wait to have the house to ourselves. Until then we're continuing to pack and live on very little slowly getting stuff moved as we can. Our parents have been helping us a lot and Dave and his Dad are painting machines! I'll post pictures when the house is done it's too stressful for me to look at our home being destroyed right now (even though it'll eventually be put back together)!
I said goodbye to my 20's last week and entered my 30's. It was very uneventful and didn't feel like much of a birthday, but once we get settled I'll celebrate turning 30!!
Tyler is 6 months old today and he's getting very active! He's super curious of the world around him and wants to get his little paws on EVERYTHING in sight - he's quite the explorer. He still loves to eat and loves to drink from cups. I keep trying the sippy cup, but he doesn't really like them - I'm just glad he's starting to get the "cup" concept b/c it was getting a little messy. We don't need the towel under him to catch what he doesn't get in his mouth...a bib will do now. He was in the crawling position the other day and didn't get anywhere, but I think it's on his mind. He also loves to pull hair (or poke your eyes, nose, mouth or whatever he can get his hands on) and at day care they tell us he pulls kids hair and laughs. We're trying to teach "NO" when he does it, but I think he's trying to tell the other kids to not mess with him :)
Trying to figure out what to do

Caught tearing up the Dell magazine - I told him he doesn't have to do that anymore now that I don't work for HP!

I think he'll be a coffee drinker I put my cup down for a second and this is how it played out...
Oh boy...look at that cup!

Just one more inch and I can reach it!

Oh crap...she moved it on me!