Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! Tyler kicked off his first Halloween by dressing up three days in a row! Here's what Captain America has been doing...

We started off with a parade at school on Friday

Then we were in the town parade on Saturday and got to eat a sugar cookies at the end - sugar cookie test passed :)

Fit in some time for a little flirting - women can't resist a superhero!

Ready to go off-roading he was loving Ryan's new Jeep!

Getting ready to go trick-or-treating

Greeting everyone on a chilly night!

That's it for now...I'm out!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Monday, October 25, 2010

Party of Seven

9 months, 15 months, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 - all we were missing was a 4 year old! My sister and some friends came to visit with their kids on Saturday and we had a fun day! We played outside, covered every inch of the patio (and a small portion of the actual house) with sidewalk chalk and managed to successfully fit in a walk around the block with a bike, scooter, tri-cycle and 4 strollers in tow! By the end of the day we all sat in awe that people actually have this many kids (or more) of their own under one roof! Here's some snapshots from the day...

Gotta love rolling down the hill

The boys

Attempt to take the group picture at the end of the night with tired kids

Breaking down

Monday, October 18, 2010

95 years young

This past weekend we celebrated Dave's Grandmas 95th birthday! I can only hope that when I'm 95 I'm still as spunky as she is! Happy Birthday Gram!!

We also got to spend some time with Dave's Aunt Ruth who came in to visit from Texas and Tyler got to meet his Aunt!

Another cake and ice cream testing!

We bought this bear to put next to our fireplace there was some good conversation going on here :)

Out for a walk with Pop looking for animals

Playing in (and eating) the leaves

Pimp my ride...he loves going on bike rides!

Such a sweet boy!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Nine Bones

Ouch! This seems to be the theme around here now that we're dealing with a 9 month old! Tyler is still really adventurous and standing without holding on is the newest trick, which leads to some pretty good head vs. hardwood floor matches. He also likes to open drawers in the kitchen and close them, but usually his fingers are still in the drawer when they close.

He likes to empty the dish towel drawer daily and bang on pots and tupperware with my kitchen utensils - who needs the other 10,000 toys we have scattered around the house?! One more tooth has appeared and it's the one next to the top front tooth, but he doesn't have his top front teeth yet so it looks pretty funny. We had his checkup the other day and he's weighing in at 19lbs 10oz and 28 inches. This puts him at 36th percentile for weight and the 67th percentile for be exact :) He's been pretty good with his shots in the past, but this time was a little different. He had a 20 minute afternoon nap and was really tired for the appt. so when he got his shots he did the open mouth as wide as you can, face turn bright red, hold your breath and make it look like your screaming, but nothing is coming out cry! This is the first time we've seen him do this and I'm hoping not to see it again for a long long time!

Today Tyler also got a super cool present from his Uncle Ryan. Ryan is a ski rep and was at a ski shop tonight with some professional skiers and this is what he brought home for Tyler. An autographed poster from Seth Morrison! It's getting framed for his bedroom - thanks Ryan! I'm starting to accept the fact and mentally prepare myself for when he's skiing off cliffs with Dad and the crew when he's older. There's already talks of building ramps and putting up rails in the backyard and how they'll get him on skis pretty soon to go down the little hill...right...he can't even walk yet!

Not one to go around the obstacle he just goes over it. This looks worse than it was was there were no injuries

Spaghetti face

Friday, October 8, 2010

Food and Fire Trucks

The fire company visited Tyler's school the other day and apparently he wasn't too excited about the visit. His teachers said he let them know he wasn't enjoying it. He's usually in to anything like fire trucks (or anything loud) so it surprised us, but it was almost nap time and he was tired - you can't blame the kid! And yes, our child has some healthy lungs despite the pictures you all see on here where he's always smiling. Although he rarely uses them for crying I'm glad he occasionally lets us know the lungs are in good shape. We're often told by parents that the good behavior, no crying, no fuss baby is a first child thing and results are not typical when it comes to the 2nd child they sometimes bring a different adventure :)

He still came home with his fireman's hat though and the older he gets the less cooperation we have when trying to pose for pictures especially when a hat is involved. This is the best we could get of our little Flourtown fireman!

It's starting to get fun around here in the food department. Tyler has been more than willing to sample new things from our dinner plates this past week.

The biggest hit of the week was guacamole and mashed potatoes and gravy! He loved both and would bang on the table for more! This kid can put food away (apple doesn't fall far from both trees in this case for sure). I might need a second job to keep up his appetite!

Just can't get enough cheese, he'd eat the entire bag if we let him. I even found a piece of shredded cheese in his belly button on this particular night.

Dad's birthday and sampling some ice cream cake. It sure is cold, but he loves if we expected him to not to :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just kickin' back while eating dinner

Or maybe practice kicking while eating

Saturday afternoon stroll

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Tuning up the ride before the guests arrive

Jerry Garcia and Tigger were the chosen ones this morning...